Friday, October 30, 2015

Boo! Just Boo, that is all.


Enough already with the Halloween stories on the news. 

Look, no one gets it better than me.  I used to be a journalist so I remember the news director advising us all to find a new Halloween story angle because it MUST be covered.  I turned on the news this morning to see great gobs of endless segments of cute little ghouls and goblins in their costumes.  Awhhhh how sweet! And then the story on the “how to be safe while trick or treating”  followed by “check your child’s candy when they come home” and finally “consider feeding your jacko-lantern to farm animals because that’s more eco friendly”  Can I just barf? Really?  Who hasn’t seen these stories?  I can almost just recite it nearly word for word sitting there drinking the coffee that apparently wasn’t strong enough to stomach this garbage this morning. 

Love him or hate him, but New Jersey governor and GOP presidential hopeful Chris Christie got it right when he called out the media on their trivial questions the other night at the debate.  He basically stated that we’ve got bigger problems and he’s right.

I think the media likes to spoon feed us the mac and cheese because it’s easy.  And viewers can easily handle the light stuff, the news fluff.  I mean who wants to wake up to the truth that our debt is out of control, more people are out of work, healthcare is its own crisis, and ISIS and other terrorists groups can’t stop chanting death to America;  and they mean it!
I cannot advocate that we force people to give a damn but wouldn’t that be nice if everyone still did?  

I’m done. Really.  Having a hard time being as pissy as I need to be while in bed as sick as a dog but that’s another blog altogether.  Be well.  Take your vitamin C and zinc and stay away from hospitals.  That is all.
Carry on!

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