Monday, April 26, 2021

A step back....

 For some time now I've been a little burned out.  I've been frustrated at the new way we live.  I've been disgusted at the way folks are behaving and treating each other.  I've been mostly wiped out when it comes to just keeping up with all of it.

It is no different in my professional life as well.  In fact it's been probably the thing we talk about most when off the air.  The burned out feeling on life is well shared and appreciated by others in my life.

I need to let you know that there are some professions when you're never really OFF work.  Mine is one of them.  You might sit your butt in the seat at a workplace (radio station) for some time but you're always eyes on it and ears out to watch and listen for something that might need to be covered.  I can come home and be with my family only to have someone send me a text or message that something is happening and I usually respond. 

My day usually goes like this, 4:30-4:45 AM WAKE up, log onto the computer and onto the state wire, read through dozens of stories to select what to use in the news.  Re-write what needs rewritten (this is quite a lot as colleges are getting lazy on teaching the new crop) stack the cast.  Edit and write up any local stories I've gathered that are relevant to the day and put them in the cast, write transitions, read over the first one.  Set up mic and record.  Repeat three more times.  Send news.  Check wire again, anything new?  Nope.  Ok, shower, get dressed, animal chores, pack lunch, pack news gear, drive 21 miles to work.  Arrive at radio station, co-host morning radio show with partner, then prep out for the noon cast, check the legislature's calendar, check my calendar, make phone calls to set up interviews, freshen up any promos in the production studio, write noon cast, record, edit and upload to station's operating system.  Eat lunch, do interview I planned earlier, log onto zoom for any meetings, check dockets to see if high profile hearings are happening.  Go home.

At home, sit down for about 15 minutes, then make dinner, eat, answer emails and get back on the computer to cover evening meetings from either city council or anything else such as town halls, etc.  Post on social media.  Follow up to comment, private messages etc.  Go to bed.


I'm not writing and sharing all of this for you to feel sorry for me but to explain something.  You're never really off work doing what we do.  We love what we do.  But there comes a time when we need a mental health day away from it.  That's today.  And what am I doing?  Blogging to explain why I'm needing a mental break. 

In the meantime, if you hear of something happening in SE Colorado, please let me know.  I need to push back some and I just can't be everywhere, all the time.
