Thursday, May 22, 2014

Just DO IT for Pete's sake!!!

There’s nothing like the impending doom of a tornado to get one to thinking about action.
I bring this up because as the skies over Bent county, Colorado started to turn an ominous eerie shade of green and clouds started to excitedly dance in circles this Oklahoma born girl wanted to do two things.  First of all I had to call my insurance agent at Farm Bureau, Lori Peterson-Payne and secondly, of course I had to make sure the batteries in the fancy camera were charged.  A girl can’t miss an awesome tornado photo, can she? 

As I dialed, not really dialed as I have an IPhone, more like punched in the numbers I thought of all of the times in our lives that prompt us to take action.  We are humans so naturally we put things off until “later.”  It’s actually normal to procrastinate as we usually pile too many things into our day so what was a desire to be completed gets pushed to the next day.  This continues.  We mean well, really we do.  I know you’re thinking there’s a bunch of things on your to-do list that are dangling waiting for action.
Hubster Chad gets this weekly newsletter on so-called manly issues.  It is a fun little site on how to tie a bow tie, make a bed, all of those things that most mamas don’t teach their sons, uh-huh.  I know you were thinking it right along with me.  Most mamas make their son’s beds for them; it’s the girls who are expected to make theirs.  Not meaning to get off track here but again, I am human, right.  That’s why this particular article he shared with me spoke to me as being helpful to more than the dudetastic types who signed up for this weekly gem.  
The 10 Overlooked Truths About Taking Action was a contribution by an anonymous “manly” contributor to the Art of Manliness site.  It reiterates that old ‘ain’t nothin’ to it but to do it,’ saying.  I wanted to share a few with you.  Think of this as a tease so to speak.  Old news habits die hard. 
·        Action is Cheaper Than Planning,  
·        Inaction is Scarier
·        Motivation Follows Action
·        Action Creates Courage
·        Action Beats the Odds
·        Action Makes You Humble

My hope is that you will be curious enough to read the entire article as it is insightful and inspiring.  My hope is that you’ll TAKE ACTION to read it.  Yes, I’m sure many of you don’t need lessons in manliness or how to be a man, in fact the majority of you probably aren’t even men people….I’m guessing that the first one to read this will be a woman.  But whether the author intended just men to read it or not and while it is a good article for men to read we can all learn something from JUST doing it!

Enjoy your take action-filled day!   By the way, Bent county had no tornado, I found an internet photo of a tornado for the above visual.

Twila "Anne"


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