Thursday, October 30, 2014

Say YES to the GOP!

We are in the final days of countdown until the mid-term elections.

Yes, there is something more going on in the world besides all of that trashy celebrity news.  But apparently, according to many news stories, women voters will make or break this election and I can’t help but notice it is insinuated that young women do not care about much except the issues that directly affect them.  I’m assuming the thought here is that a 20-something fresh out of college young woman just wants to watch reality TV, go out for cocktails with the girls, shoe shop and worry about the nasty old white Republicans taking away her right to choose. According to one poll that I glared at bleary-eyed with my not-strong-enough-to-stomach-the-morning-news coffee, MOST female Republican voters are married and do not have a college degree.  Well, ok fair enough to that piece of info but I’m sure I can find something out there to argue that.  

So, because I’m a geek like that, I did an internet search to see what would turn up.  I love the loose-end searches, they turn up the best little jewels.  The first search return was an ad that Cosmopolitan magazine, you might know it as Cosmo, blasted as condescending. But seriously, make up your own mind and watch the video for yourself.  Yep, here it is.

 Because research shows that the GOP has traditionally had trouble recruiting young female professionals to vote Republican the video shows a young woman trying on wedding dresses.  It’s a spoof of the reality show Say Yes to the Dress!  The actress tries on two dresses and decides that Republican candidate Rick Scott is just perfect for her, because women love weddings and stuff like that?

Mmmmm, no.

I appreciate my party’s reach to snare more young female voters.  There are already so many awesomely cool female role models who align themselves with conservative values.  Let’s see, actress Bo Derek, political commentator Michelle Malkin, Fox news anchor Meghan Kelley and Dana Loesch, Grammy award winning superstar Taylor Swift and model Kathy Ireland.  I’ll go on a bit, country artist LeeAnn Rimes, former View co-star and current co-host of Fox and Friends Elizabeth Hasselbeck.   My favorite female conservative warrior, however, is Laura Ingraham.  Ingraham hosts one of the most popular radio talk shows in the country.  She’s a former Supreme Court law clerk and litigator and currently is enjoying success as an author with Of Thee I Zing: America’s Cultural Decline From Muffin Tops to Body Shots.

There are many reasons there is so much press out there about the GOP’s difficulty with their female voting base.  I would say the number one reason is that the media is always telling us that it is so.  You know, I don’t care how smart you are, after hearing something over and over again the average person starts to believe it.    I did say average. After all check out just a few news stories on the topic, although beware of the source, these are simple search returns. Additional disclaimer:  reading piles of liberal gobbley GOO can rot your mind and turn you into a raving lunatic socialist complete with coexist stickers and rainbow unicorns that need transgendered bathrooms.  You’ve been warned.

But really, I’m not the first one to notice this conservative make-over that’s happening in response to these and other stories.  Chicks On The Right, Miriam Weaver and Amy Jo Clark or Daisy and Mock as they’re known on their radio show, are part of that movement.  Their new book, Right for a Reason:  Life, Liberty, and a Crapload of Common Sense, is released today.  The Amazon page where you can find the book for purchase says this about it:
With humor and insight, Mock and Daisy, as the Chicks are known on their blog, explain why:
·         Capitalism is a good thing—success and the money that comes with it are nothing to be ashamed of!
·         First Amendment protections extend to all Americans, not just those with whom we agree.
·         Americans have a constitutional right to things that go pew-pew-pew.
·         Skin color is irrelevant.
·         It makes sense to be pro-life and pro-Plan B.
The Chicks offer suggestions for a conservative makeover that will realign the GOP with the regular folks who are frustrated with uptight and clueless politicians. But they also show why conservatism makes sense for everyone, especially those who love their country, their families, God, rock and roll, and a well-made cocktail (not necessarily in that order). (taken from

So people, there you have it.  It is a battle to nab women voters, especially young female professional voters.  But the fight is on.  Are you really going to believe the garbage out there that Republicans and conservatives are old, rich, white guys?  I have many examples to prove otherwise.  Getting down to it, the candidate with whom you agree should be one that shares your values not who is the coolest and hippest. 

Your future is at stake.  Your rights are vulnerable.  Your quality of life depends on who is there to speak for you on the Hill.  So go and vote your conscious but don’t let anyone put you in a hole and tell you because of your age, marital status, socio-economic status, race, religion or otherwise who your guy or gal is.  This is not a high school Student Council election where the cool and popular kid who promises everything to everyone wins.  It is your future.  It is your kiddo’s future.  

~Anne Boswell Taylor

P.S.  for the nerds like me who are always interested in brushing up on history, the woman’s right to vote was ratified on May 19th, 1919, it is the 19th amendment in the Constitution, yep, there’s that document AGAIN.  J

#WomenVoters #GOPStruggleWithWomenVoters

Monday, October 20, 2014

Hazmat suits, rainbows and unicorns, oh my!!!

Hazmat suits, rainbows and unicorns, oh my!
I never thought we would live in a time like this.

Let’s see…EBOLA, ISIS, IRA scandals, VA scandals, deadly viruses, bank accounts hacked, private info hacked, NSA spying!  Good material for fiction writers, right?  Uh, except that it is real.  It is FOR REAL!
The latest thing that got a little under my skin is the city of Houston demanding copies of pastors’ sermons.  Apparently it started because someone got offended because a pastor mentioned something about homosexuality and that didn’t set well with Lesbian mayor Mrs. Parker, or um, Ms. Parker?  So apparently it was related to the city’s HERO act or Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO).  Awh, cute, huh?  The name.

Don’t mind me, I’m just glooming and dooming about the state of this nation, or am I?

Before you call me out for hatin’, cause someone will, understand that I am not hatin’.  I am simply thinking of that “thingy,” ya know that “OLD OUT-DATED” document called the First Amendment of the Constitution of the United States.  It states that we have a right to freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press and freedom to petition.  So, why is it that a pastor has to turn over any sermon or “speeches” as the city decided to call them to the city?  What if a pastor spoke out about not believing in the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO) because it states that a man who is transgendered may be allowed to use the women’s potty facilities?  I’m OK with being able to tinkle without a dude in the room.  I don’t care if we like the same brand of mascara.  A bathroom should be a safe place to drop one’s drawers and pee in peace!!

AND for the love of chocolate, if pastors want to discuss the changing world in which we live with their congregation, I believe that they should have a right to do that.  Oh sure, you’re going to say “but they they they have a right to do that, just they can’t talk bad about transgendered and homosexual people!”  

Look friends, I have a few friends who identify in this category and none of them are total whinebags about strong arming the general population into believing exactly as they do or demanding special bathrooms. 
This past year, California passed a law requiring that schools allow kiddos to use whatever bathroom of whatever gender of which they choose to identify.  Most Americans do not believe this was a great idea.  I get it, as a mom I have visions of little boys pretending to be transgendered to check out little girls in their bathroom.  My daughter even said she wouldn’t feel safe…SAFE, there’s that word, using her own bathroom because transgendered boys might not really be that way.  And she brought up the point that the push to get the transgendered kids their own bathroom in an effort to make them feel normal would in reality make them feel less normal.  Oh, little Chris, or Kris, is using the special kid bathroom.  Yep, that is the term my 11 year old daughter used, “special kid bathroom.”  It’s not her term but one she’s heard.
The people at CBS news polled the public, cause we love polls, to get a feeling of what we all really think of this.  Check it out for yourself here.

Back to why I felt moved to write this.  You cannot legislate your way into making people feel better…period.  Houston can take copies of pastor’s sermons in search of pulpit hate.  Governments can try and force schools into funneling transgendered kids into special bathrooms.  You will never mandate that the so-called alleged bullying be stopped.  And anyway, who gets to call out what is bullying anyway?

So who is in for a night of pre-Halloween season scary NEWS watching with me?

~Anne Boswell Taylor