Monday, October 6, 2014

A Hunting We Will Go, A Hunting We Will Go....

...not me, of course. But Hubster Chad and Hannah will anyway.

It was sometime in the very early morning hours and I was finishing up a great dream.  It wasn’t over yet and I was really enjoying the dream.  You’ve been there, I know you have.

That’s about the time when hubster nudged me with “Hon, hon, hon, hon, hon…..did you text the school about the bus?”  “Wh What?”  “Of course I did….last night” I replied.
Yes, I sent a text message to the transportation director (also Hannah’s friend’s grandpa and also the Fire Chief) about Hannah NOT needing a ride on the bus today.  I was doing a responsible old-school mom thing, I was letting her go hunting with her stepdad.  After all, hunting is educational, right?  I would say yes because no classroom ever is going to let her take a knife to a pronghorn (antelope) and cut it open, remove the heart and butcher it.  Those are real world lessons.

I’m sure I’ll catch some grief over this.

Yes, she is missing school but I’m not sure she is missing much.  Just this year her SIXTH grade class has had TWO coloring activities.  No, not coloring the maps to tell which county is which and which river is what but an honest-to-goodness printed out sheet of an owl and a camel.  I’ve done a lot of research on the impending Common Core Standards being spoon fed to 45 states, it was 46 but my great home-state of Oklahoma has real BULL’s balls and told the feds to cram their mandated, one-size fits all curriculum somewhere the sun don’t shine.  The research I’ve done to include talking to moms across America shows me that Common Core is not good for our kids.  If the goal was to create a set of standards that could be implemented in all of the states to make them identical, well…..I’ve got some news for you babe.
Alabama is NOTHING like New York!  Thank our Lord Jesus.

See what happens when you are no longer the age that you tell people you are…you start to wander off subject.

Now, back to the original thought, I didn’t feel bad about calling my child in sick today to school with hunter’s flu for many reasons.  I’ll give you a few from an official website so that you know I’m just nuttier than a squirrel turd.  Did someone say SQUIRREL?

Taken from the Prepping-to-Survive website (cause who doesn’t love a good prepper story?) The following is a direct copy and paste from
All credit must be given to the anonymous prepper writer, including any all all typos (MOM) ;)

Teaching your children to hunt is good for many reasons.
  • Cut down on grocery bill. As food prices continue to increase, it’s nice to be able to provide a very inexpensive dinner.
  • Develop hunting and processing skills. Hunting is a skill. Being able to stalk prey, knowing where to aim, and when to pull the trigger is an acquired skill.
  • Build confidence. Knowing that you can provide for yourself and family using a weapon is critical. If the first time you enter the woods to hunt, you have a starving family depending on you, that’s a lot of pressure. Knowing that you’ve done it before is a great comfort.
  • Spend time together. There are many reasons to spend time with your kids. Hunting is a good way to spend time with them doing something that is not only useful, but enjoyable.
  • Get kids outdoors. Many kids spend too much time playing video games and sucking down sodas and junk foods. Hunting will get them into the great outdoors where they can appreciate creation.
  • Teach them to quietly navigate terrain. Being able to move through the woods quietly is another skill that may come in handy one day.
  • Promote gun safety and familiarity. Using a weapon is a skill every child should learn. I don’t want them ignorant about weapons. That is really dangerous! Especially if they are unfamiliar with them and find one at a friend’s house.
  • Cross-training. If TEOTWAWKI comes, we are all going to be very, very busy trying to stay alive. Having someone else trained to hunt will improve your odds.
  • Get use meats that may one day be a staple in our diet. If you’ve ever eaten venison or duck, you know that it can have a very gamey taste. There are ways to help mask the taste, but even that takes some practice.
  • A well rounded education. We homeschool and we take it seriously. Our kids learn math, grammar, science, history, literature, and geography, among other things. But as required as those subjects are, it’s also important to teach them skills such as cooking, gardening, animal husbandry, home repairs, and hunting.

So take that federal government!!!   
Your Common Core will never teach my daughter the valuable life skills she’ll learn from a day of hunting with her pops.
That was a raspberry cause I’m all grown-up like that and all, ya know?
Anne Boswell Taylor

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