Tuesday, August 19, 2014

2 + 2 =POTATO or is it POTATOES? Hmmmm

Ok.  Enough is enough.
As I sit here watching my Ruger Silas Poodle (he’s a standard) and Sadie Mae Bloodhound romp and play I realize their combined intelligence will be higher than my daughter’s IF I don’t speak up again and again.

 Photo: Um. THIS is 6th grade HOMEWORK!!!!! I asked her if it wasn't a little odd that you're given kindergarten stuff at age 11??.... Wow. I hope to God they're doing something more age appropriate today.
You might remember I blogged a bit about Common Core last time.  Common Core is the federally mandated standards that states must adopt this year or next.  It’s because they (the states) accepted a fistful of cold hard cash from Uncle Sam.  Oh really?  Yes, it’s always about the money, follow the Benjamins and you’ll get your answer to most things in life, the why part anyway.

Soooooooo friends I blog today because my 11 year old daughter who is in the SIXTH grade brings home a homework assignment that consisted of coloring a Great Horned Owl.  The Owl is actually often depicted in literary works as a WISE creature so I’m actually snarkily seeing a bit of irony here.  I would understand a coloring assignment for a pre-teen if it was an anatomy based thing…yes, we all remember coloring in with colored pencils those veins and arteries and other sciency things.  But seriously, it wasn’t.  It looked like something you’d hand your five year old in the backseat on a long road trip.  “Color in the wise looking owl sweetie!  Here are your crayons.”  “Oh, how pretty, you’re a big girl to color like that.”
Head slap.

I think comedian Chris Rock was really ahead of the time when years ago, I mean I think Clinton was president, he did a routine that basically spoke to the dumbing down of America.  He was actually calling out blacks who would say things like “I’m just keepin’ it real!”  Chris said, “Yeah, real DUMB!”  He said he didn’t want to live in a world where idiots keep it real….dumb.  Next thing you know little Johnny will be called upon in class to answer. Teacher:  “Johnny, what is 2 + 2?”  Johnny proudly answers, “JELLOOOOO!”

Ok, so thanks to Chris Rock for that early insightful look into our future in America, although if you look up the bit on You Tube, be expecting some foul language, which I don’t care for.  I understand what he’s trying to do with it though and who he’s trying to reach.

  I told y’all a couple of blogs back about the grown man who didn’t recognize my necklace as the state of Oklahoma but rather thought it was a meat clever.  Now, mind you, many of us have trouble with remembering the placement of New Hampshire and Vermont but seriously. 

Another big problem I have with Common Core, besides being COMMON, I brought that up before, is that you seriously cannot expect higher academic performing states to be OK with mundane assignments while we wait for the less-than-stellar performing states to catch up.  When I’m bored I get into trouble and I’m an adult who should know better.  I stand up and fight, fidget, squirm, daydream, mentally re-arrange my sock drawer, which actually might be on the productive side of my thoughts.  

I told the daughter today that I would be fair to give this new teacher and this school year a chance.  I would wait and see if it steps up a bit like maybe something a little more thought provoking that coloring a dang owl!  By the way OWL should stand for Older Wiser Learner.  In the meantime, I'll be reading  Charlotte Thomson Iserby, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of American.
I'm pretty sure it starts with giving a young woman crayons and an internet printed coloring page.
 I’m watching though.  Seriously.  Cause 2 + 2 does NOT equal POTATO!  I’m pretty sure of that.
~Anne Boswell Taylor

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