Thursday, August 14, 2014

Common Core and Common Sense have NOTHING in common!

How would you like to go from state to state and see the same scenery?  Wouldn’t it just be easier if all of the towns and cities looked the same?  I mean, you wouldn’t get lost…ever.  You wouldn’t have the agonizing choices of new restaurants, new tourists hot spots.  I mean, really, it would just be easier to make us all the same!

Uh, if you know me you read that and heard the snarky tone in your head.

Common Core is a so-called federally mandated state of standards for schools.  Cash hungry states needing the promised dough from the feds adopted the standards for their students without even knowing what would someday be taught in their schools.  That’s right, the government wants to implement or they are on track to implement a curriculum that will make Vermont like Mississippi.  Wh What?  Common Core supporters say it will be so much easier on the kiddos who move from state to state.  They will be learning the same thing all over this country at the same time.  Uh, really?  I’ve only lived in two countries and four different states over the last 25 years.  Let me tell you, if you think that Kentucky kids have the same needs as Colorado kids you’re smoking that stuff that’s now legal in our home state of Colorado, different rant for a different day.  Don’t get me started on the pot.

Under Common Core states will be required to teach the standards which include something called Social Justice math.  Social justice math is a mix of social studies with math.  Some of the activities in the book I researched included math problems to figure percentages of whites who discriminate against blacks.  Now, um, are we really doing something positive for race relations by assigning guilt and inciting anger?  There’s a sex education standard in the Common Core too that will teach your precious little 11 year old how to masturbate.  By the time she’s 14, a book on the required reading list is the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison.  It’s about a little girl who just wants to have blue eyes and be pretty.  Oh, and her step dad comes into her room at night, lifts her nightgown to show her how pretty she is.  She becomes pregnant and well, I think I’m done describing this.  You can always just read it for yourself.  

I don’t really have the time it would take to describe how bad Common Core is for our children.  I don’t think I will live that long.  I AM 43 now.  Just the name alone, common, do you really want your children to be common?  Each state should have the ability to decide what is best for them to teach children.  Each state is very different with different needs.  Children are very different.  They each learn differently.  I just think I’ll leave you with a few links for further research.  I am going to hear a speaker in La Junta on September 22, 2014.  I will likely have more to say in the future.  For now, research this because it apparently is coming.  I don’t care how rural your school is or if you home-school, that will be influenced by this as well, or if your kiddos are in a private school.  This is coming.  It is here.  

Search for the Facebook group called Parents and Educators Against Common Core Standards.  Parents are sharing things that are beginning to happen this year.  Connect with them.

Here is the original and founding group that started to fight Common Core.  It’s a five part video series but short and informative enough to give you a place to start.  You’ll want to search for more after hearing this or you don’t have a pulse.

And finally, Dr. Duke Pesta is a name you’ll see a lot in the fight against Common Core.  Here is one of his shorter videos but if you have the time, look for the longer ones.  It’s really more in depth and there are things in those videos you’ll want to see as a parent.
I think that’s enough homework for now.  

~Anne Boswell Taylor

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