Tuesday, December 2, 2014

All Dressed Up and ...well, not so much, anymore!

It donned on me as we were watching an episode of ABC’s comedy, “The Goldbergs,” that our society has really put on the elastic waist pants and for good.

Hannah turns to me and exclaims “Wow, why are they all dressed up?”  I answered, “That’s not dressed up, and that’s how we used to dress.” Except our family never had the matching ugly sweater thing happening. 

Oh, boy, first of all, I think our grandmothers would smirk at how we dressed as teens in the 80s but now it seems as though by comparison, we were pretty fancy.  

I’m disgusted and nostalgic at the same time, y’all.

Ok, so she was referring to Barry Goldberg’s button down shirt and Bev who is the mom wearing a dressy looking sweater and “slacks” for lack of a better decade appropriate term. Fast forward to today’s knock-around-town ensemble of yoga pants with a tunic top and flip flops if you’re in the south and Ugg boots if you’re out here in frozen tundra land, SE Colorado. J

No wonder she thinks the Goldbergs were all dressed up.
I’m currently reading Laura Ingraham’s book, Of Thee I Zing, America’s Cultural Decline from Muffin Tops to Body Shots.
Ingraham lays it all out for us in what is acceptable now and with a tone of disgust, well deserved.  She brings some things to our attention in a funny and witty way but it is really far from humorous, what has happened to our style in this country.

The thing that terrifies me the most is that one day nursing homes will be filled with tattooed up old biddies and their butterfly tramp stamps will have sagged so low they resemble a sick buzzard.  

Used to be people really dressed up to fly, because it was a treat, not an entitlement as it is thought of today.  However in defense of that passel of 20-somethings boarding a plane in Denver, I’m sure you just took too much glaucoma medicine last night at your bachelorette party.  

That moves me to the next observation, one that is a little more common here in Colorado where pot is now legal.  People in large groups in Denver and some in Colorado Springs sort of smell like wet dog, notice that?  I blame the pot.  They can’t drive either, well, ok, let’s blame the pot. 

 I would say that Ms. Ingraham’s book, written a few years ago, has been filled with her observations from a couple of decades.  Yes, it has been a slow cultural decline maybe that’s why we don’t really notice it until some gem of a memory from our past creeps up.  Oh yeah, we DID used to kinda dress up.  Although we just called it dressing for school, church or work.  I will not go so far as our grandparents who got all gussied up for church and were convinced that Jesus did not love you unless you wore panty hose.  Let’s just leave that one alone.

I will say that it is easier to look smart these days.  You just have to take a shower and put on some neat looking clothes and BAM you’re a CEO!!

I won’t wag a finger without saying that we’re probably all to blame but it is a sad day when I have to sit down to rant about this.  I don’t want to live in a sloppy society.  On the flip side, I don’t want to have to dress for dinner either.  My hope is that others’ children have questioned their old-enough-to-remember-the-80s parents while watching this show.  I hope it brings about thoughtful family conversations on bathing, acting like a lady, dressing like you’re not high on those plants you can now legally grow in your basement.  I guess people DO still dress for dinner but it’s probably to hit the drive through at Taco Bell.

~Anne Boswell Taylor
Oh, and you can find Laura Ingraham's web site here, in case you want more of her insight.  She is awesome!

#TheGoldbergs, #LauraIngraham #TodaysStyle,

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