Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Stinkers, little stinkers-literally and not so

Walking through an airport these days is truly a scent ADVENTURE.

I’m not sure when people decided to STOP taking showers before they fly but it’s as obvious as a fart in church.

And I’ll just go ahead and look beyond some of the stench because you have to take into consideration that some people might’ve been stuck on the runway waiting to take off for like FOR-EVER and you know they never let you twist the little buttons above your head for COOL air.  Noooooooooo, that’s for later when they take off.  I’m afraid I’ll get off track here so back to the main idea.

Hmmmm, I’m guessing Denver’s stinky poo people problem has a lot to do with the legalization of pot.  So I’m sorry if you invested your hard earned dollars in the stock market in a portfolio with say… Zest and decided against Taco Bell.  You are probably kicking yourself for that one too.  You know because stoners never care about bathing once they’re high but certainly get the “munchies?”  I was hoping that was obvious too.

Mmm-k, how about wearing your pj bottoms to the airport?  No, not talking about the woman in a cast who can’t wear anything else.  I’m talking about the able bodied college girl who has painted her face into some Vogue make up masterpiece and her hair is meticulously coiffed. Yeah, that is the one.
*Sigh* Ok, I give up.  No wait one last guess.  You’re a big star and you travel like that because all of your Juicy Couture is packed in those designer bags you tossed at the Sky Cap like he was on your pay roll.

That just kind of brings me to the lack of respect for others I saw today at DIA.  Back in the day when dinosaurs were teaching their children manners, we were taught to respect others.  IF you should bump into someone accidentally, this is where you utter a phrase such as “Excuse me” or “I’m sorry.”  

When you were traveling with family, an elder or just a friend you paid attention to them.  You included said traveling family member in conversations.  You interacted with said person.  You didn’t stuff ear buds in your ears and grunt when they spoke to you.

And when has it become OK to groan about a service dog on a flight?  I noticed two women with a service dog signed to each other so the woman who decided to loudly bitch about “Dogs shouldn’t be on planes, they just shouldn’t!” well, yeah she knew they couldn’t hear her which was even tackier than just the comment.

My grown up Christmas wish would be for people to start to treat each other correctly again.  I just think those scarce few who still do aren’t very visible. 
I would love a world where people can appreciate someone going the speed limit in the right hand lane and passing them on the left as they learned in school WITHOUT telling the right lane driver that they are number 1!!!!  I would love a world where people decide to patiently allow an elderly person to pass without the big teenaged exhaustive sighs of disgust, don’t worry junior, you’ll be there too someday.

I would love a world where people just interact face to face a little.  I mean, I get it, we’re wired now.  I have FB, Twitter, SlideShare, Instragram, Yahoo messenger and now a Kindle Fire but I look as these things not as replacements for interaction but like a seasoning or spice.
~Carry on.
And Merry Christmas,
Anne Boswell Taylor

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